I’m here, in my bed, under my warm blankets, with my little light on my bedside table: my mum will scream at me to turn off it, i know. During the night, during these nights, everything seems to be more difficult, more ugly and harder to fight, I feel so little against it. Now I…

MY 2016.

READ ME. Italian and English version. Hi my friends! How are you ? I’m here on the couch and I’m trying to find a comfortable position to write this article, and if I started writing it maybe because I found it? Absolutely not, but these words circulating in my mind can not be stopped and…


THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME. THIS JOURNEY IS AT THE BEGINNINGS!   GRAZIE.   Lo so, per molto di voi sarà un piccolissimo traguardo che sicuramente avrete già abbondantemente superato ecc ecc, ma per me è tantissimo. Sono partito da zero, senza esperienza, senza aver mai scritto niente di mio su internet, con tante paure…